Company Brief:

FINO PayTech is an integrated technology platform and delivery channel with a vision to catalyse nation building by making every citizen financially secure. At the core of its mission statement lies a will to become the preferred bank for our customers by providing the simplest & the most accessible financial services, to grow their wealth.

The Challenge:

Banks are traditionally seen as a secure job where most Indians tend to settle in to. But a new and upcoming startup in the digital banking space faced a challenge to attract talent which had the skillsets and the will to contribute to FINO’s vision-mission. Headstart has been working with FINO ever since 2015 and has been hiring for them across all levels pan-India. A fresh flow of funds to drive growth at the grassroots level and with the issuance of a payments banking license, a huge challenge to fill the talent gap arose within the fintech firm.

What did they need:

Hiring at mid and senior level was relatively easier compared to the entry-level staff required to increase market penetration. Simply put, they were facing difficulty in sourcing candidates for the multi-fold hiring plans they had.

How did we help them address the gap:

We had to win their confidence. The first phase of hiring was specific to Vidarbha and within a month, we were handling the mandate for Maharashtra. With consistently increasing quality deliverables, Headstart was officially handed over the prestige of being the exclusive pan-India recruiter for FINO. In our association over the years, Headstart has helped FINO hire staff ranging from business development sales executives, managers to technology leads and developers.

We love our clients. And we believe that their growth is our growth. Our passion to serve drives us and FINO Paytech vouches for our team

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